Напоминание клиентам: настал последний день для использования накопленных на дисконтных картах Iki средств

Сеть Maxima reminds customers that any remaining funds from 2023 will be annulled from March 1st, and they must be used by February 29th.

The network also reminds customers that during each purchase, they will receive 1% of the purchase value in their Ačiū virtual account, or 5% for the first month after the opening of a new store.

Indre Trakimaite-Siasiukvene, a representative of Maxima, stated that the network transfers around 1.8 million euros per year to customers’ virtual accounts.

During each purchase, customers can also pay for goods using Maximas (up to 99% of the total amount).

Delfi previously reported that a similar policy exists in Iki stores, but the money must be used by the last day of January — by January 31st.

Maxima has a different policy. Egle Krasauskene, the company’s spokesperson, stated that they have a different calculation system.

Money on the Mano Rimi discount card can be used within a year from the day they are credited.

«For example, if the money appears on the card in July, it will be valid until July of the following year, and if in December, until December. This system is more flexible, allowing customers to use the money on the card throughout the year, without any limitations,» she said.

A similar situation applies, but the period for using the money is shorter.

«Euros on the Norfa card are valid for 6 months from the last purchase. If the Norfa card is not used within 6 months, the funds on it will be annulled,» said a representative of the network.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях