На проходящей в США выставке лазеров Photonics West 2024 впервые открыт литовский стенд

«The laser industry in Lithuania is one of the strongest high-tech sectors in the country, with around 60 companies and about 1,600 highly skilled professionals. About 80% of laser industry products are exported to almost 80 countries, so Lithuanian laser companies participating in this exhibition have the opportunity to present themselves, expand their connections with foreign partners, and thus further increase exports,» said the Minister of Economy and Innovation.

Photonics West is one of the largest exhibitions of photonics and laser technologies in the world. This year, it has a national stand for the first time, and the record number of Lithuanian companies participating in the exhibition reflects the goal of Lithuanian enterprises to become increasingly visible in both California and the international arena as a whole, according to the ministry’s statement.

The Lithuanian laser industry has a solid reputation not only in business but also in the field of academic research. Today, 95 out of the world’s top 100 universities use laser technologies developed and produced in Lithuania. Lithuanian lasers can be found in NASA, CERN, and other world-class institutions.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях