Министр обороны: в этом году в Литве начнут действовать ротационные системы ПВО, в том числе батареи Patriot

В этом году в Литве начнет действовать ротационная система противовоздушной обороны (ПВО), а также в стране будут развернуты батареи комплекса Patriot, утверждает министр обороны Арвидас Анушаускас.

«This year, at least partially, the long-awaited rotational air defense system will finally begin to operate, which was coordinated in «, — said A. Anushauskas at a press conference on Thursday.

As A. Anushauskas said, he is discussing the rotational air defense system with those European countries that have such capabilities. According to him, the goal is for the rotational air defense to operate year-round.

«Our goal is for the rotation to operate on a principle similar to the air police mission. (…) In this case, there is a calculation that this principle will not be one-time, meaning for a month or so, but it will cover all our calendar months and significantly increase our air defense capabilities,» said the minister.

In June of last year, NATO countries agreed on a rotational model for air defense, taking into account the calls from the Baltic countries to strengthen the current air policing mission.

The rotational model of NATO’s air defense is designed to enhance the combat readiness of the alliance’s air defense and missile defense capabilities. Based on this initiative, allied ground-based air defense systems and additional aviation assets will be deployed using a rotational principle.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях