Литовские банки за 2023 год выплатили 260 млн евро взносов солидарности

Действующие в Литве банки уже выплатили взнос солидарности за 2023 год – он составил около 260 млн. евро. Эти средства направляются на оборону страны, сообщает Центробанк Литвы.

«Despite the economic stagnation, last year turned out to be financially successful for the banking sector, as we predicted. Accordingly, banks are allocating a portion of their profits to the solidarity contribution, which is used for public needs,» said Simonas Krepshta, a member of the Board of Centrobank Lithuania.

The first solidarity contribution payment (for the second quarter) — 56 million euros — was transferred by banks at the end of August 2023, the second (for the third quarter) — over 100 million euros — at the end of November 2023, and the third (for the fourth quarter) — approximately 100 million euros — at the end of February of this year.

It is projected that the solidarity contribution for 2024 could amount to around 190 million euros.

This measure was proposed by the Bank of Lithuania in relation to exceptional circumstances. Due to these circumstances, the profit of commercial banks in 2023 may triple compared to previous periods and reach approximately 1 billion euros.

In the first three quarters of 2023, the banking sector earned a profit of 757.5 million euros — 2.2 times more than in the same period of 2022 (342.9 million euros).

The temporary solidarity contribution, in accordance with a separate law, is intended to finance projects related to military mobility and military transport infrastructure in the country.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях