Кристина установила видеокамеры в усадьбе – сейчас в ее мечтах снять на видео медведя

Observing animals’ lives, Christine is aided by video cameras. Recently, she captured a video of a badger that came for apples.

The deer also enjoy feasting on apples in the garden. They willingly pose in front of the cameras. According to Christine, there are many different animals in the Anikshtyay area. The video camera also captured a raccoon-like dog and a fox.

Christine rarely visits the estate in winter, but she spends a lot of time there in summer.

«It’s a small village, only 5 houses. They are far apart from each other. My house is the closest to the forest, I don’t see any neighbors. The log pile is open, so badgers and deer come there. This year, I have seen three badgers,» Christine said.

For her guests, Christine leaves carrots and apples at the end of the yard. «From the porch, I can watch the moose and deer. They eat the vegetables without paying attention to me, while the badgers hide,» she said.

Christine dreams of capturing a lynx and a bear on video. «In the summer, a wolf appeared in the camera lens, but then I didn’t see it anymore. I’m waiting for the lynx to show up. (…) Since bears also pass by Anikshtyay, I hope to capture a bear on video someday,» Christine said.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях