Конституционный суд: закон о пенсионных накоплениях нарушает Конституцию

Конституционный суд (КС) постановил, что Закон о пенсионных накоплениях предусматривает ограниченную возможность выхода из фондов пенсионных накоплений, что нарушает Конституцию. При этом, по мнению института, различные виды выплат в зависимости от суммы накопленных активов не нарушают основной закон.

«The possibility of terminating a pension savings contract for valid reasons, not provided for by this law, contradicts the Constitution. Thus, the property rights of a pension fund participant are limited,» said Gintaras Goda, Chairman of the Constitutional Court, on Thursday.

The Constitutional Court notes that the right to funds accumulated in pension funds is connected with the protection of his property rights, therefore, the existing regulation has no grounds.

«(…) there is no reason to argue that such a restriction is necessary to achieve a constitutionally important goal — to provide as many participants in pension savings as possible with a higher income in old age,» the Constitutional Court states.

«(…) such legal regulation restricts the property rights of a person more than necessary to achieve the stated constitutionally justified goal, and thus violates Article 23 of the Constitution, which guarantees the inviolability and protection of property, the constitutional principle of proportionality, which is one of the elements of the constitutional principle of a rule of law,» the clarification states.

Thus, the Constitutional Court has stated that the reasonableness and expediency of determining the size of accumulated assets in the pension fund and the size of pension payments dependent on them are not the subject of constitutional control, since there is no basis to argue that such legal regulation clearly denies the values ​​enshrined in the Constitution, protected and guaranteed by it.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях