Глава МИД Литвы о смерти Навального: Путин жестоко уничтожает гражданское общество своей страны

«He has reached a level of impunity where he doesn’t care about the opinion of the West anymore. He believes that the hands of the West will no longer reach him. That’s why we must pressure the Putin regime and punish those who contributed to the killing of Navalny,» said G. Landsbergis, who met with representatives of the Russian opposition during the Munich Security Conference.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), the Lithuanian Foreign Minister, who met with Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Dmitry Gudkov, also discussed the immediate goals, activities, and tasks of Russian democratic opposition and civil society.

«Russia, led by the Kremlin regime, poses a threat — no one in Europe or the world can feel safe. That’s why it’s important to continue providing comprehensive assistance to Ukraine. At the same time, active opposition to Putin should exist not only abroad but also within Russia itself in order to bring about changes in the Russian political system,» the Foreign Minister said during the meeting.

The Munich Security Conference, which is ongoing on Saturday, is the largest security conference, and this year it is the 60th anniversary. The annual event brings together political leaders, scholars, and business representatives to discuss global security issues and ways to overcome them.

On Sunday, G. Landsbergis will be one of the main speakers at the session «Adding Chairs to the Table: A Deeper, Wider, and More Capable EU?» discussing how Russia’s war in Ukraine has influenced the expansion of the European Union..

The conference is also attended by the President , the Prime Minister , the Minister of Defense of Lithuania , and the Deputy .

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях