Две столичные гимназии обратились в Вильнюсское городское самоуправление с просьбой об их переименовании

«Next week we will have a meeting of the Commission on Historical Memory, and we will consider the issue of renaming two schools. Vilnius Gymnasium named after Salomeja Neris and Vilnius Gymnasium named after Sofia Kovalevskaya will be renamed,» said Kamile Sheraitė-Gogelienė, Chairperson of the Commission on Historical Memory of the Vilnius City Council, to the Elta agency.

According to the politician, both schools themselves requested the renaming. «We have no lever to not consider their requests. And then, after our commission, the decisions will go for consideration to the council on February 28,» she said, noting that educational institutions have also proposed options for their renaming.

The Gymnasium named after Salomeja Neris suggests four options for renaming the institution: Vilnius Media Gymnasium, Vilnius Gymnasium of St. Catherine (Šv. Kotryna), Vilnius Gymnasium of the Old Town, and Vilnius Media Gymnasium of the Old Town.
Meanwhile, Vilnius Gymnasium named after Sofia Kovalevskaya proposed renaming the educational institution to Vilnius Capital Gymnasium.

Disputes over the renaming of the Vilnius School named after Salomeja Neris in the public sphere have been going on for a long time. The school’s management previously spoke about their intention to rename the educational institution.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях