BaltCap is not a pension fund. It is an alternative investment management company registered in Estonia and supervised by Estonian regulatory authorities, therefore the investigation is being carried out by Estonian financial market supervision institutions and law enforcement agencies in Lithuania and Europe.
In addition, BaltCap is not under the supervision of the Bank of Lithuania. It is known that among the participants in the financial market of Lithuania, both investicijų valdymas and investicijų valdymas have invested in the Infrastructure Fund managed by BaltCap. It is also known that the alleged embezzlement has affected pension funds managed by the latter not only in Lithuania, but also in other Baltic countries.
The investment of pension accumulation companies in the Infrastructure Fund managed by BaltCap complied with common practice and requirements. Pension accumulation companies have been investing in venture markets since 2007. Their investments in alternative asset classes have historically been considered a proper means of protecting investments from inflation and achieving higher returns.