Акты вандализма в Клайпеде не прекращаются: обнаружен еще один оскверненный флаг

Полиция сообщает, что в Клайпеде был осквернен еще один государственный флаг.

According to the Police Department, on March 11th at 1:50 am, a Lithuanian flag was found on the sidewalk near the 36th house on Baltiysky Avenue in Klaipeda.

An investigation has been initiated.

It should be recalled that on the evening of March 9th, a broken Lithuanian flag was found on the ground on Shyauly Street in Klaipeda.

In the morning on Friday, in the Port district of Klaipeda, four burned Lithuanian flags were discovered by the people. The police have initiated an investigation and are identifying the participants and organizers of this act. Later, information appeared about 8 more vandalized flags. Flags were removed from buildings, some were burned, and others had their poles broken.

It is reported that the flags were vandalized on Poilse, Naikupes, Nida, Zhalgirio, and Kalnupes streets.

Vandalizing a flag, coat of arms, or anthem is punishable by a fine, restriction of freedom, arrest, or imprisonment for up to 2 years.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях