В Вильнюсском районе сгорели шесть автомобилей

В воскресенье ночью недалеко от Вильнюса пожарные-спасатели тушили дом и стоявшие рядом машины.

The Department of Fire Safety and Rescue reported that a fire broke out on March 17 around 4 am at the Aukstei Rusokai hamlet (Vilnius district), near the Old Ukmerges road. A private house was on fire.

When the firefighters-rescuers arrived, the roof of the brick house, wooden canopy, and shed were engulfed in open flames.

There were two cars in the shed.

An hour later, the fire was extinguished. The wall of the house was burned, and the vehicles, Dacia Spring and VW Passat, were completely destroyed in the shed. In addition, the parts of the Mini Cooper, Audi, Ford, and Škoda cars, which were parked behind the fence, melted, along with the charging station for electric vehicles.

The cause of the fire is being investigated.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях