До сих пор не нашли хозяина затонувшей в Каунасском водохранилище яхты

В феврале в Каунасском водохранилище сообщили о затонувшей яхте. До сих пор не удалось найти хозяина яхты. Неясно также, легальная ли пристань, около которой затонула яхта?

According to the Kaunas Fire Safety and Rescue Service, on February 29th at 14:30, a report was received that a ship sank near R. Kalantos Street at the pier. The caller stated that there were oil stains on the water in the Kaunas reservoir, near the nursing home. According to the caller, the ship sank near an illegal dock, close to the yacht club.

A diver was dispatched to the scene who, after descending underwater, identified the yacht and provided information to the environmental protection inspector. The inspectors contacted the shipping department of the Maritime Department of the Lithuanian Transport Safety Administration to determine the owner of the yacht, Farandole. They also investigated the ownership of the dock.

It was found that the yacht was not registered.

The inspectors continue their search for the owner of the yacht. If the owner is not found, the yacht will be raised to the surface by the Kaunas Municipality.

The firefighters and rescuers found that the yacht that sank was made of wood. Oil products have contaminated an area of ​​3 square kilometers.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях