Среднегодовая инфляция в Литве в феврале составила 6%

Среднегодовая инфляция, рассчитанная по методологически гармонизированному с другими странами-членами Евросоюза индексу потребительских цен (ГИПЦ), в феврале 2024 г. составила 6% сообщает Государственное агентство данных.

However, the average annual inflation, calculated using the consumer price index (CPI), was 6.1%.

The year-on-year inflation (February 2024 compared to February 2023) was 1.1%, while the inflation calculated using the CPI was 0.7%.

The annual inflation, calculated using the CPI, was mainly influenced by the rise in prices of pharmaceutical products, catering services, meat and meat products, automobiles, tobacco products, vehicle inspection and repair, as well as the decrease in prices of electricity, solid fuel and heat energy.

The fluctuation in prices of consumer goods and services in February 2024, compared to January, was 0.7%, as calculated by the CPI.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях