Прошлогодняя чистая прибыль кредитной унии Rato – 1 млн евро

По итогам конца прошлого года, стоимость активов кредитной унии Rato составила 85,4 млн евро, а чистая аудированная доналоговая прибыль за 2023 г. – 1 млн евро.

According to Vladislavas Yanchis, the head of Rato Credit Union’s administration, 2023 saw an increase in lending to both businesses and private clients, despite the rise in interest rates and the slowing economic growth. Business owners and individuals responsibly assessed their borrowing capabilities and calculated the profitability of their projects and investments.

During 2023, Rato Credit Union issued new loans amounting to over 17 million euros, leading to a 9% growth in its loan portfolio, which reached 62 million euros by the end of the year.

The quality of Rato Credit Union’s loan portfolio remains stable, with a constant focus on working with clients and finding optimal financial solutions in response to changing economic situations.

Due to the significant increase in interest rates on time deposits, Rato Credit Union’s clients paid great attention to savings in 2023, resulting in a 17% increase in deposits to 74 million euros.

«The volume of customer deposits not only indicates the revival of traditional savings products but also reflects the trust in the organization,» commented V. Yanchis in a press release distributed through the stock exchange.

«In 2024, together with our clients, we will strive to balance the growth of both Rato Credit Union and our clients’ businesses, ensuring proper risk management and profitability,» added V. Yanchis.

In 2024, Rato Credit Union plans to implement modern information technologies to prevent money laundering in collaboration with the renowned international company LexisNexis Risk Solutions. Additionally, new projects to expand the functionality and capabilities of the payment application are planned.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях