Продавцы, занижающие цены на автомобили, получат письма от Налоговой Инспекции

Государственная налоговая инспекция (ГНИ) сообщает, что информационные письма в ближайшее время получат почти 260 жителей и 100 компаний, к которым возникли вопросы о реальной цене продажи их автомобилей. Получившим уведомления предлагается оценить продажную цену и, если она не соответствует действительности, указать в налоговой декларации истинную продажную цену автомобиля.

«After analyzing the available data, transactions were identified in which the sale of a car was documented at a significantly lower price than the market value. Such a discrepancy in the price of a car may indicate that sellers are trying to hide a portion of their income and avoid paying the taxes due,» says Rolandas Puncevicius, Senior Advisor at the Tax Control Department.

«Underestimating the prices of cars in order to evade taxes is well-known, so residents and companies who have received a reminder should declare the true selling price of the car in their income tax returns,» says Puncevicius, noting that those who have sold a car and have not responded to the notification from the tax authorities may receive additional attention.

Some car sellers artificially lower the selling price before removing the ads from car sales portals, but this type of fraud is well-known to Tax Control Department specialists. To identify cases of cars being sold at prices that do not correspond to their actual value, the Tax Control Department uses a wide range of available and incoming data. For example, it compares data obtained from the State Enterprise «Regitra» with information contained in car sales ads, tracks the price history indicated in the ads, and utilizes market price analysis.

In particular, people should be wary if an unscrupulous car dealer asks them to underestimate the price in official sales documents. Not only do they contribute to tax evasion, but they can also suffer financially. For example, when purchasing a car for 10,000 euros, the buyer asks to have 5,000 euros stated in the sales contract. After some time, when the buyer decides to sell the car for 10,000 euros, they will have to pay personal income tax (), which is calculated based on the supposed profit — the difference between the paid and received amount (in this case, 5,000 euros).

The Tax Control Department reminds residents that if they notice possible tax violations, they can report them through the Tax Inspectors’ hotline at 1882 or by filling out an electronic form on the website. Anonymity is guaranteed.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях