Налоговая инспекция: суммы доходов в натуральной форме выросли до 272 млн евро

Государственная налоговая инспекция (ГНИ) сообщает, что суммы задекларированных доходов в натуральной форме за предыдущий год, по сравнению с 2020 годом, выросли почти в 5 раз, до 272 млн евро, а исчисленная сумма подоходного налога с населения (ПНН) выросла в 6 раз, почти до 36,4 млн евро.

«By observing the trends in the growth of declared income in natural form in recent years, we can assume that the business’s consciousness in this area is indeed increasing. They not only more frequently allocate additional benefits created for their employees in their detail, but also identify cases of satisfying personal needs at the expense of enterprise funds: declare and pay taxes accordingly», quoted in a press release by Rasa Virvilene, Director of the Legal Department of the SRS.

R. Virvilene notes that social security contributions are additionally paid from income in natural form, which is practically an equivalent amount payable to the SRS.
Until now, the VAT invoice for fuel consumed for personal needs was issued for each month. After the SRS initiated changes, there will be an opportunity to issue a single consolidated VAT invoice for the whole year, as stated in the press release.

«We take up such initiatives to reduce the administrative burden on businesses,» emphasized R. Virvilene.

According to the SRS, this VAT invoice must be issued no later than January 10 of the year following the year in which the automotive fuel was used for personal needs, which is subject to VAT on sales.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях