Нацбанк Литвы: устойчиво финансировать оборону мы могли бы если отказаться от налоговых льгот

Глава Банка Литвы Гедиминас Шимкус говорит, что финансирование национальной обороны можно увеличить, отказавшись или сократив действующие налоговые льготы, пересмотрев налог на имущество и путем дополнительного заимствования.

According to the head of the Bank of Lithuania, in order for defense financing to be sustainable, it is necessary to finance defense in a mixed way from two different sources.

«Permanent supporting defense needs should be financed from additional tax revenues,» said Gediminas Šimkus, head of the Bank of Lithuania, at a press conference on Thursday.

According to him, one-time acquisitions for infrastructure development and military equipment purchases could be financed by borrowing.

In the opinion of Šimkus, a revision of the property tax or real estate tax could also contribute to defense financing, as currently the portion of budget revenues collected from it is small compared to the level of Lithuania’s development.

In Šimkus’ view, even if the temporary solidarity bank tax is extended, in the current economic conditions, much less revenue would be collected.

«The banking system received unexpected, unplanned revenue (…) Now, even if this solidarity tax were to be extended (…) this potential would be much smaller,» said Šimkus, head of the Bank of Lithuania.

According to the Bank of Lithuania’s assessment, borrowing funds for defense needs in the long term will not have a significant impact on the sustainability of the national debt, but it can «significantly increase the level of the national debt.»

In the near future, Lithuania will present proposals and conclusions from the financial analysis regarding additional sources of defense financing to the Ministry of Finance.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях