Экономист: в качестве еще одного источника финансирования обороны могут повысить НДС

Как утверждает старший экономист банка Luminor Жигимантас Маурицас, в качестве источника дополнительных средств на финансирование обороны, вероятно, будет выбран путь повышения налога на добавленную стоимость (НДС) и налога на прибыль. Однако, по его словам, лучшим решением в этом вопросе была бы реализация налоговой реформы, но на данный момент возможностей для этого мало.

«It is likely that the simplest path will be chosen, as has been done before, and in Estonia as well – this is VAT. The quickest and easiest way to collect more taxes, and in the name of social justice, some other taxes will be increased, primarily the profit tax, to show that not only the general public contributes to the financing of national defense, but also businesses,» said J. Mauricas to journalists on Wednesday after presenting an economic overview from Luminor.

«But the best way would be to implement tax reform,» he assured.

J. Mauricas noted that tax reform should have been carried out several years ago, which would have allowed both for greater fairness in the system and for more taxes to be collected.

«I said that the most reliable scenario would be if tax reform could have been carried out several years ago, when the timing was right. (…) Especially during the pandemic, there were such significant economic fluctuations that it was the ideal time for such reforms,» said the economist.

«Lithuania has many low-hanging fruits that, if picked, would allow for greater fairness in the tax system and more tax collection,» he explained.

In March, at a second meeting initiated by Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte, four options were presented on how to collect around 400 million euros next year, necessary for additional financing of Lithuania’s national defense.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях