Глава Центробанка Литвы: в этом году бюджет может недополучить 150 млн евро НДС

Председатель правления Центробанка Литвы Гедиминас Шимкус предупреждает, что в этом году в госбюджет может быть собрано на 150 млн евро меньше, чем запланировано в плане налога на добавленную стоимость (НДС). По его словам, такой прогноз подтверждается данными инфляции за январь 2024 г.

«The Central Bank sees the risk that the plan for VAT revenue in 2024 may not be met. And the warning that this plan may be optimistic and there is a risk of not collecting around 150 million euros, about 0.2 percent, we also wrote in our annual report when considering the budget project,» said G. Shimkus at a press conference on Tuesday.

«This is one of those cases where we would be very happy to be wrong. But January data show that the mentioned risk may become a reality,» he added.

The Chairman of the Central Bank explained that during periods of high inflation, the government’s revenues from VAT significantly increase. However, both in 2023 and in 2024, when inflation began to decline, the volume of the aforementioned receipts in the budget decreased.

«There is a very clear trend that during periods of inflation exacerbation, the government’s revenues from VAT sharply increase. In 2022, VAT revenues increased by more than a fifth. And in 2023, when inflation subsided, the growth of VAT came to naught. We see that in 2024, this portion has decreased significantly and does not correspond to the level of previous years,» he explained.

G. Shimkus noted that such a decrease in collected VAT is important when considering the issue of additional funding for defense and its sources.

The Ministry of Finance reported in early February that in January 2024, revenues to the state and municipal budgets were 7.9 percent lower than in the same period in 2023.
According to the ministry, in January 2024, VAT revenues amounted to 722.3 million euros, which is 85.8 million euros or 10.6 percent less than in January 2023.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях