Авиакомпания Lufthansa отменила рейсы из Вильнюса во Франкфурт

Немецкая авиакомпания Lufthansa из-за забастовки работников отменила все запланированные на вторник рейсы между Вильнюсом и Франкфуртом, пишет портал madeinvilnius.lt.

Representative of Lithuanian Airports Marius Zelenuus said that 4 flights have been canceled: two from Vilnius to Frankfurt (at 6.35 and 15.10) and two from Frankfurt to Vilnius (arrival times at 14.30 and 23.45).

There is currently no information about the status of flights on other days.

It should be noted that on March 9, the German union UFO announced that Lufthansa employees would carry out a two-day strike in Frankfurt and Munich this week.

Lufthansa has reported that around 100,000 passengers will have to change their plans due to the strike.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях