Литва будет добиваться возможности провести Европейский ЛГБТ фестиваль в 2027 году

В четверг Национальная организация по правам ЛГБТ – Лига геев Литвы (ЛГЛ) – объявила, что подала заявку на право организации в 2027 году в Вильнюсе EuroPride – главного фестиваля европейского ЛГБТ-сообщества.

As stated in the announcement, Gloucestershire (United Kingdom), Turin (), and Torremolinos (Spain) will compete for the right to host EuroPride.

The application will be presented to the members of EPOA (European Pride Organisers Association) during the annual EPOA members meeting in Porto ().

The organization emphasizes that it is submitting the bid to host EuroPride in Vilnius in close collaboration with LGBT communities, human rights organizations, the Vilnius City Municipality, inclusive business leaders, and representatives of the entertainment industry M.A.M.A.

EuroPride is the largest and most important festival for the LGBT community, held annually in a European city. The decision on which city is most worthy of hosting EuroPride is made by the general assembly of EPOA members.

In 2024, EuroPride will take place in Thessaloniki (Greece), in 2025 — in Lisbon, in 2026 — in (jointly with WorldPride).

Since 2009, the national LGBT rights organization LGL, together with partners from Latvia and Estonia, has been organizing the Baltic Pride festival on a rotating basis.

The next LT Pride festival for the LGBT community will take place in Vilnius on June 4-8, 2024.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях