Депутаты проголосовали за увольнения канцлера парламента

Уволен канцлер парламента Модестас Гелбуда. По неофициальным данным, за его увольнение проголосовали 95 депутатов, 13 были против.

74 parliament members expressed their lack of confidence in the Chancellor. According to politicians, during Gelbuda’s tenure, he unreasonably slow and/or inefficiently resolved certain issues: the reconstruction of the fountain and Independence Square; the implementation of the civil service law; the successful implementation of parliamentary auto fleet reforms; the uninterrupted functioning of the medical point and cafeteria; equipping the children’s room; and equipping the shelter in the parliament.

According to the deputies, there are other issues as well, «the inefficient and untimely resolution of which has led to a chronic worsening of working conditions for both the office staff and the parliament members».

Gelbuda rejected all accusations during the parliament session.

«First of all, these are incorrect and unfounded data and facts. I would like to see how the Chancellor hindered the process of enacting laws, how he worsened this process, and so on. There was a lot of talk about tension within the organization, etc. I am willing to acknowledge all remarks about tension, conflicts, but first show me the facts — concrete ones, at least one,» he said.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях