Страны Балтии, Польша и Чехия обратились в Еврокомиссию с просьбой запретить импорт российского и белорусского зерна в ЕС

Министры сельского хозяйства Литвы, Латвии, Эстонии, Польши и Чехии обратились в Европейскую комиссию (ЕК) с призывом запретить импорт зерна из России и Беларуси в Евросоюз (ЕС).

According to the Minister of Agriculture, the EU sanctions against Russian aggression are not enough, so additional measures are needed to restrict access of Russian goods to the EU market.

«We are asking the EC to analyze the possibility of restricting imports of food products of Russian and Belarusian origin into the EU. With the joint appeal of four countries, we are striving to solve an urgent problem that unites us. While Russia continues its cruel and illegal war against Ukraine, its grain continues to enter the EU market. For example, in 2023, the EU imported 1.53 million tons of Russian grain worth 437.5 million euros,» Minister K. Navickas is quoted as saying in the statement.

The ministers who signed the appeal emphasized that Russia uses the proceeds from grain exports to the EU to finance the war with Ukraine.

«As member states of the EU, we consider it necessary to fulfill our moral obligation to cease any trade activity that could strengthen Russia’s ability and its ally Belarus to continue the conflict in Ukraine, especially since part of Russian imports may include stolen grain from the occupied territories of Ukraine. In addition, Russian imports put pressure on the EU’s internal market and directly compete with EU farmers’ products,» the appeal to the EC states.

This issue is planned to be discussed at the meeting of the EU Council of Ministers of Agriculture and Fisheries, which will take place on March 26.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях