Высылаемый из Литвы гражданин России обратился в суд

Гражданин России Владимир Водо, чей вид на жительство в Литве был аннулирован Департаментом миграции и в отношении которого было принято решение о депортации в Россию, обратился в суд.

«The applicant appeals the decision of the Migration Department, which states that he will be deported from the Republic of Lithuania to the Russian Federation,» said the representative of the Regional Administrative Court, Sigita Gamulėnė, to the ELTA agency.

According to her, the applicant’s request is motivated by the fact that the defendant did not take into account his family circumstances, his age, and his longstanding economic ties. V. Vodo claims that he has particularly close family and social ties with Lithuania, starting from 1989. He is a journalist and speaks Lithuanian fluently, and has completely severed all ties with his country of birth.

V. Vodo took part in the Regional Administrative Court session held on Monday. The court will announce its verdict on Wednesday.

The defendant in the case is the Migration Department, and the third interested party is the Department of State Security ().

The residence permit of the Russian citizen in Lithuania was revoked after the DSS concluded that the individual posed a threat to national security.

According to the DSS assessment, based on available information and considering the current geopolitical situation, the presence of the Russian citizen V. Vodo in Lithuania poses a threat to national security.

In the opinion of the DSS, the views of the self-proclaimed journalist V. Vodo are disloyal to Lithuania, and he also disseminates propaganda information on social media in accordance with Russia’s information policy.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях