Глава МВД: во время общегосударственных учений гражданской обороны не все жители получили оповещения

В понедельник во время общегосударственных учений гражданской обороны с проверкой системы оповещения населения не все жители получили телефонные сообщения, сообщила министр внутренних дел Агне Билотайте.

«At 10 o’clock, the population alert systems were tested, and we heard sirens. Each resident was supposed to receive a text message on their phone. Not everyone received it, and we will investigate whether this is related to specific operators,» commented A. Bilotaite to journalists at Vilnius Station.

According to her, there are 16 more exercises planned for 2024, and another 57 in the next 3 years.

«The exercises are aimed at identifying any shortcomings and, if there are any, taking immediate action. In a couple of weeks, we will receive an assessment of the exercises and be able to provide recommendations to institutions,» the minister said.

A. Bilotaite emphasized that more detailed information about the evacuation can be found on the lt72.lt page.

On Monday, nationwide civil defense exercises were held to test the population alert system.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях