Сейм склоняется к одобрению предложения о создании фонда финансирования обороны

В четверг Сейм одобрил поправки к Закону о благотворительности и поддержке, в которых предлагается создать добровольный ежемесячный или единовременный взнос для финансирования национальной безопасности и обороны.

At the initiative of the leader of the Freedom Faction, Vitas Mitolas, 69 members of the Seimas voted in favor, 11 deputies abstained, and no one voted against.

«I calculated that if only individuals who donate at least 10 euros per month, as well as those who make one-time donations of at least 60 euros per year, were involved, it would be possible to raise 31 million euros per year,» Mitolas said during the session.

«This is not a sum that changes everything, but it is a sum that I consider very important not only because of these millions of euros, but also because the agreement of political parties states that society is one of the pillars of Lithuania’s defense,» he emphasized.

Mitolas agreed that there can be different models for collecting public support. However, according to him, in this case, additional tools should be discussed that will help raise funds for defense.

The opportunity to provide support to the Lithuanian army not only through personal income tax declarations, but also directly, already exists. However, it is not yet actively utilized.

In recent times, political parties and various organizations in the country have been proposing ways to increase funds for national defense. Among the proposals mentioned are initiatives to increase the profit tax, value-added tax (), extend the application period for the solidarity tax on banks, as well as explore possibilities for borrowing for the needs of national defense on preferential terms.

Funding for national defense this year will amount to 2.75% .

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях