Цены на бензин в РФ достигли пика на фоне атак дронов на НПЗ

Цена бензина АИ-95 на Санкт-Петербургской международной товарно-сырьевой бирже превысила 60 тыс. рублей за тонну — это максимум с конца сентября прошлого года, когда цены на бензин в России начали снижаться после введения временного эмбарго на экспорт топлива, сообщило в четверг, 14 марта, агентство РБК.

Starting from March 1st, Russia has once again imposed a ban on fuel exports, but gasoline prices on the exchange continue to rise, according to the publication. The price of automotive fuel is increasing against the backdrop of drone attacks on major refineries in Russia, which have forced the plants to suspend operations.

The attacked refineries account for 12% of Russia’s capacity

Only on March 12th, a fire broke out at the Nizhny Novgorod refinery as a result of a drone attack, and on the following day, the Ryazan and Novoshakhtinsk refineries were hit. The agency notes that these three facilities account for 12 percent of Russia’s oil processing capacity. The President of Russia has linked these attacks to an attempt to disrupt the presidential elections in Russia.

Earlier this year, other refineries were also shut down due to attacks and equipment failures, as RBC reminds. Repairs were reported at the Volgograd and Tuapse refineries. The Ilysky refinery was also shut down, but soon returned to normal operation.

An RBC source in the fuel market believes that the current rise in gasoline prices is caused only by concerns about supply and demand balance due to the suspension of refinery operations. The scale of the damage caused to the plants is unclear. If it is discovered that the primary oil processing units are damaged, not only the production of different grades of gasoline, but also diesel fuel will be reduced, he pointed out. «The situation for the market is potentially serious, so buyers are hedging their bets by purchasing the goods,» the source explained.

The Russian Ministry of Energy does not see any risks of price increases

On the evening before, the Russian Ministry of Energy announced that it assesses the situation with fuel supply to the regions as stable and does not see any risks of retail fuel price increases.

«In the retail segment, prices are stable and have not increased since the beginning of the year. The current level of wholesale prices on the exchange forms a comfortable level of profitability for stable prices at gas stations, regardless of short-term fluctuations in the wholesale market,» the statement said..

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях