Воды Вильняле в Вильнюсе снова окрасятся в зеленый цвет

В ближайшие выходные в Ирландии и крупных городах всего мира от Чикаго до Сиднея по традиции отметят День Св. Патрика. В этом году День Св. Патрика отметит и Вильнюс: 16 марта, в субботу, пройдут мероприятия в Ужупской республике, пишет портал madeinvilnius.lt.

Here you can listen to live Irish music, see dances. Event participants will be wearing traditional Irish hats. Irish flags will be hanging everywhere. A parade of kayakers with Irish, Lithuanian, and Ukrainian flags will take place on the green waters of Vilnius.

Saint Patrick’s Day is a cultural and religious holiday celebrated annually on March 17th, the day of the death of the patron saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick. This day was first celebrated on March 17th, 1737, in Boston (). Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations usually include parades and festivals, Irish dancing, and wearing green clothing or shamrocks. This day is celebrated in many countries around the world.

The tradition of coloring rivers’ water green started accidentally in Chicago, where plumbers used a special dye to detect leaks in water pipes. The dye used to color the water is completely harmless. Lithuanian plumbers and workers in heat supply systems also use it.


14.00 — meeting at the bridge leading to : warm Irish greetings with Leprechaun.

14:30-15:30 performance by Gitis Ambrazavičius and his group.

15:00-15:10 Address by the Ambassador of Ireland, S. McHugh, to the audience.

15:10-15:40 coloring the water of Vilnius in green;

15:40-16:00 Closing of the event.

Continuation at Piano Man, , Portobello, and Uzhupskiy cafe, where you can try Irish dishes, including pie.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях