Из уст президента Литвы – поздравления в адрес скандального беларусского влогера

12 марта в социальных сетях появилось видео, на котором президент Литвы Гитанас Науседа по просьбе ребенка поздравляет беларусского влогера Mellstroy. Этот влогер прославился не самыми хорошими делами, он был осужден за избиение женщины во время прямой трансляции.

«Hello, friend, what’s your name? Ah, Mellstroy. Well, congratulations. On what? Your birthday or March 11th?», the President asks the boy.

The child says March 11th.

«I congratulate you on March 11th,» said Nauseda.

The Lithuania found out that at the beginning of March, Mellstroy promised to pay $2 million to anyone who captures on video the president of any country sending him greetings.

«I want to offer a minimum of $2 million for the president of any country. If the president of any country, any, will send me greetings, then, um… at least $2 million,» the vlogger announced the contest.

The Lithuania found two videos with greetings from Nauseda on social media. Both of them are posted from profiles under the name Mellstroy, but they clearly do not belong to the Belarusian vlogger, as they appeared recently and have few subscribers.

The Lithuania could not find out who the boy in the video is.

The pseudonym Mellstroy hides the Belarusian Andrey Burim, who gained fame for not the best reasons.

A few years ago, The Lithuania wrote that a young man living in Moscow broadcasted live the beating of a woman during a party. The court sentenced him to correctional labor and a small fine, and his channel was abolished.

Russians wrote that Mellstroy now lives in Dubai.

The Lithuania reached out to Nauseda for a comment, and the article will be updated when he appears.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях