В Вильнюсе состоялось шествие националистов

11 марта во второй половине дня снова звучал лозунг «Литва для литовцев!» – состоялось так называемое патриотическое шествие 11 марта.

According to police, up to 200 people participated in the procession this year. The march took place from Cathedral Square to Lukiskes Square.

During the march, chants of «Lithuania, Lithuania!», «Lithuania, be free!», «One and a half, two and a half, beautiful Lithuania without Russians, like a flower blooming forever» and «Preserve your identity» were heard.

Support for Ukraine was expressed during the march, chanting «Glory to Ukraine» and «Glory to Ukraine, heroes glory!».

The participants of the march sang «Let the Bolsheviks know» and the folk song «On the Hill Fortress» (Ant kalno mūrai).

At the end of the event, the «National Anthem» was performed.

This year, the participants of the march carried only one poster in Lithuanian and Ukrainian languages, which read «For your freedom and ours». They also carried Lithuanian and Ukrainian flags, historical flags, and flags with the symbols of the Lithuanian Union of Peasants.

Some participants carried flags of the Belarusian opposition.

During the march, donations were collected for the Ukrainian military.

Читайте также новые расследования редакции:

Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях