В торговые центры Akropolis можно ходить с домашними животными

С 8 марта 2024 года в торговые центры Akropolis в Вильнюсе, Клайпеде и Шяуляй можно ходить с домашними животными. Жители смогут посещать общие помещения и отдельные магазины или места предоставления услуг, отмеченные специальным знаком, указывающим на то, что туда можно заходить с животными.

«People are going to cafes, shops, and other public places with their animals, and this is becoming the norm, so the Akropolis shopping center is also changing its rules. (…) we say: «Welcome, four-legged friends.» We welcome visitors with dogs and cats, whose owners must follow certain rules. We hope that this decision will make visiting our shopping centers more convenient for pet owners,» said Dominikas Martinas, a representative of Akropolis.

You can bring vaccinated pets to the shopping center. Only individuals over 16 years old can bring animals. Residents can visit common areas and specific shops or service areas marked with a special sign indicating that animals are allowed in. According to Martinas, there are more than 250 such places in all 3 shopping centers.

Pet owners must ensure that their animals do not pose a threat to other visitors and their pets. Animals in the shopping center must be on a leash or in special carriers. The leash should not exceed 1 meter in length. Dangerous or fighting dog breeds must wear muzzles. It is allowed to ride in the elevator or on the escalator with animals when other visitors to the shopping center do not oppose it, and on the escalator, the animal must be held in your arms.

It is also noted that animals should not make noise. Pet owners must have all the necessary supplies to clean up after their pets. Pets should not be left unattended in the shopping center.

Martinas emphasizes that the owner is responsible for any damage caused by their animal.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях