Глава МИД Армении: В стране обсуждается вступление в ЕС

В Армении «активно обсуждается» идея членства в Евросоюзе, рассказал министр иностранных дел страны Арарат Мирзоян в интервью турецкому телеканалу TRT World в субботу, 9 марта.

«Considering all the challenges we have had to face over the past three to four years, Armenia is actively discussing new opportunities. It’s no secret that there is also the idea of membership in «, said Mirzoyan.

The minister emphasized that Yerevan is deepening its relations with the EU and , «looking towards the East», building relations with India, and also seeking to «resolve relations with neighbors.» According to Mirzoyan, the Armenian people have a «European aspiration.» «As I have already said, we are going through a process and we will see what its outcome will be. At the moment, no one can be confident or predict the end of this process,» said the head of Armenia.

Armenia distancing itself from Russia

As reported by Hraparak, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated in early March that Armenia plans to submit an application for EU membership no later than the fall of 2024. He explained that the security interests of the republic «require becoming stronger, if not in military terms, then at least in economic terms.»

After the escalation of the armed conflict with in Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia criticized Russia for not providing adequate support. In February 2024, the authorities announced the suspension of Armenia’s membership in the Collective Security Treaty Organization (). In March, the republic sent an official letter to cease the operation of the border service at Zvartnots airport in Yerevan.

Pashinyan directly stated that the republic is seeking new partners for military-technical cooperation, as it cannot implement it solely with . In September 2023, Armenia conducted joint military exercises with the US on its territory, aimed at preparing for participation in international peacekeeping missions.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях