Президент об оскверненных флагах Литвы: это целенаправленная деятельность, подобные случаи могут иметь место и в других странах НАТО

Президент Литвы Гитанас Науседа утверждает, что такие действия, как осквернение литовского триколора в портовом городе, являются целенаправленной, координируемой за пределами страны деятельностью. Он предупредил, что подобные случаи могут произойти и в других странах НАТО.

«Unfortunately, we already have information that this will be a targeted activity, that the activity is practically coordinated outside the Republic. We also see cases of desecration of our monuments,» said G. Nausėda on Friday in Ukmergė, responding to a request to comment on the documented cases of desecration of Lithuanian flags in Klaipėda.

The country’s president claims that cases of desecration of national symbols may occur again. He offered and called on the public to maintain unity in the face of such incidents.

«This may happen again, I cannot exclude that, but the most important thing is that we were united, we understand very well in what geopolitical situation we live, what are the intentions of our enemies or, to put it plainly, enemies. And I don’t think this will be an exceptional case in . Similar actions and cases can happen in other NATO countries,» said G. Nausėda.

On Friday in Klaipėda, 12 Lithuanian national flags were desecrated in different parts of the city.

«It was reported that some flags were torn off their poles, their staffs broken, and other flags were set on fire,» said Andromeda Grauslene, representative of the Klaipėda County Police Headquarters, to Elta agency.

According to the police representative, the Lithuanian tricolor was desecrated on the streets of Poilse, Naikupės, Nida, Žalgiris, and Kalnupės.

Preliminary investigation into the desecration of state symbols has been launched.

The Criminal Code provides for a fine, community service, or imprisonment for up to two years for a person who publicly tears, tears apart, breaks, destroys, disfigures, or otherwise desecrates the flag or coat of arms of the Republic of Lithuania or publicly mocks the national anthem of the Republic of Lithuania.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях