Уму непостижимая история: мать полгода жила в квартире, где находилось тело ее скончавшегося сына

Жители одного многоквартирного дома в Пасвалисе до сих пор не могут прийти в себя. Выяснилось, что их соседка полгода жила в квартире, где находилось тело ее скончавшегося сына. Хозяйка квартиры якобы не впускала социальных работников и о помощи не просила. Когда в подъезде появился неприятный запах, соседи подумали, что это из-за грязи, сообщают журналисты телевидения LNK.

According to the police, the mother lived with her deceased son in the apartment for about six months, while neighbors claim it was for a longer period of time.

«She lived with the deceased for a year. How could she?» questioned one of the neighbors.

One of the neighbors reported to the police that they hadn’t seen the son return to his mother for a long time.

«People reported that he was missing,» said social worker Danguole Tomkunene.

The missing son’s mother told neighbors that he was sleeping.

According to Ainis Kudjma, the chief of police of Pasvask region, the deceased son did not work and the family did not have any other relatives, so nobody noticed that he was missing.

«He would occasionally go abroad for work,» the policeman said.

The woman did not allow social workers into her apartment and refused help. The police and social workers were only able to enter the 83-year-old woman’s apartment thanks to her close friend.

«The color of her son’s legs raised suspicions, they were black. It turned out that he had been dead for a long time and his body had mummified,» said Kudjma.

Preliminary findings suggest no signs of violence on the body, and experts will determine the cause of death. The woman’s closest neighbors said they could smell a foul odor and noticed that she was not in good health, but they did not want to interfere in someone else’s business.

«Why should neighbors be responsible for this? There are organizations, social workers, local authorities, and employees of local authorities who should take care of families with sick members,» said one neighbor.

Social workers insist that they visited the woman.

«Our hands are tied, we cannot do anything against a person’s will. We cannot forcibly provide any services,» said Tomkunene.

While the investigation is ongoing, the deceased’s mother has been taken in by her friend. It is said that this woman is a former doctor who has lost her second son.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях