В конце этого года в Литве может начаться серийное производство боевых дронов

Министр обороны Арвидас Анушаускас утверждает, что Литва может начать серийное производство боевых дронов литовской разработки и комплектации уже в конце этого или в начале следующего года. Министр подчеркивает, что все компоненты этих дронов будут собираться и производиться в Литве.

«It is no secret that Lithuanian companies are developing specific projects for flying ammunition. Not only are some prototypes being developed, but the work is truly underway and will be completed. And, it is likely that at the end of this or the beginning of next year, we will implement these projects and be able to put Lithuanian-made drones into mass production,» said A. Anusauskas to reporters on Thursday.

The minister emphasized that these drones will be «exclusively Lithuanian-made,» including their «brain» and optics.

In early January, the National Security and Defense Committee of the Seimas discussed the development of unmanned systems in Lithuania. According to Žilvinas Tomkus, the deputy defense minister who participated in the meeting, an annual budget of 30 million euros is planned for this.

The chairman of the NSDC says that Lithuania already has the potential to significantly expand the production of FPV combat drones (first-person view). Additionally, according to him, it is planned that the next meeting of the State Defense Council (SDC) will consider the development of drone production and their integration into the army, not only in a reconnaissance role.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях