Президент подписал указы о лишении гражданства балерины Лиепы и бизнесмена Кудимова

В четверг президент Гитанас Науседа подписал указы о лишении гражданства Литовской Республики бизнесмена Юрия Кудимова и артистки балета Илзы Лиепы, предоставленного им в порядке исключения.

Elta advisor to the country’s president Ridas Yasulen confirmed this.

On February 9, the Citizenship Commission made a recommendation regarding former KGB agent Y. Kudimov. After evaluating the data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), the Department of State Security () and other agencies, it was established that Y. Kudimov is engaged in activities that are incompatible with the national security interests of Lithuania.

According to intelligence reports, the businessman still maintains relationships with influential individuals in Russia, participated in the activities of Kremlin-controlled companies, and engaged in opaque schemes to finance elections in Western countries from Russia.

The decision regarding ballerina I. Liepa was made by the Citizenship Commission on February 14. It was decided to propose the revocation of her citizenship, granted in an exceptional manner in 2000, due to her public support for Russia and the threat she poses to the national security of Lithuania.

Questions regarding I. Liepa’s citizenship arose after the publication of an interview in which she does not hide her sympathies towards , refers to the war in Ukraine as a special operation, and openly disdains the Western world and its values.

According to the Citizenship Law, Lithuanian citizenship, granted in an exceptional manner, can be revoked not only in the case where a person’s actions threaten national security interests, but also if they publicly express support for a state that poses a threat to Lithuania and/or other member states of the European Union and/or the security interests of allies.

In September of last year, a decision was made to revoke the citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania that was granted in an exceptional manner to figure skater Margarita Drobyazko on similar grounds.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях