Премьер-министр Литвы: предложение о запрете транзита российского зерна без европейского решения противоречит законодательству ЕС

Премьер-министр Ингрида Шимоните говорит, что предложение о запрете транзита сельскохозяйственной продукции и кормов, страной происхождения которых является Россия или Беларусь, должно быть согласовано на уровне Европейского союза (ЕС). По ее словам, пока не будут приняты европейские решения, подобные предложения противоречат законодательству ЕС.

«I understand that now, with the political situation, various proposals will be registered and attempts will be made to appear as though they are the ones defending the interests of farmers or other interests. This will happen in the coalition, in the opposition, and wherever you want. EU sanctions are established by EU decisions and consensus, and we will support the ban on the import of food products,» said I. Shimoni in an interview with Žinių Radijas on Thursday.

«The situation with transit will be much more complicated because the EU paradigm is such that restricting food supplies to third countries, to the global South where this production usually goes, means an increase in a certain tension regarding the security of food supplies,» she explained.

Speaking about the protest of Polish farmers at the border, I. Shimoni assured that the action did not cause any significant disruptions to traffic.

«During the blockade, vehicles were directed to a special area, and the protesting farmers had the opportunity to see what was being transported. It’s good that the work of the institutions was well organized and this did not cause any serious disruptions to traffic,» said the Prime Minister.

«As far as I know, yesterday on the Polish side, there were probably two farmers who were monitoring what was found in the trucks, and about 12 squads of state institutions on both sides. That is the price of democracy, that people find ways to express their dissatisfaction, but it seems to me that the problems that can be solved should be solved,» she said.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях