Премьер Литвы встретилась с президентом Румынии и премьер-министром Финляндии

Премьер-министр Ингрида Шимоните, находящаяся в эти дни с визитом в Бухаресте, встретилась в среду с президентом Румынии Клаусом Йоханнисом и премьер-министром Финляндии Петтери Орпо.

During the meeting with the Head of Romania, the Prime Minister emphasized that to achieve victory for Ukraine and deter Russia, the unity of the entire transatlantic community and its firm position is necessary. As mentioned at the meeting, if Russia is not stopped, no European country will be able to feel fully secure.

On Wednesday, I. Shimonite also met with the Prime Minister of Finland, P. Orpo.

During this meeting, she emphasized that as the internal sea of NATO, the countries in the region must act together in a coordinated manner, strengthening the Alliance’s eastern flank while also strengthening NATO as a whole.

«For Lithuania, it is a close partner and ally in every sense, with whom we share a common responsibility for the security of our region and a common challenge in helping Ukraine resist Russian aggression and prevail,» the head of the government is quoted in the press release.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Prime Minister is on a working visit to Bucharest, Romania.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях