Есть подозрение, что через Литву перевозится зерно с оккупированных территориий Украины

Министерство сельского хозяйства сообщает, что в ответ на поступившую информацию о возможно реализуемом Россией через порты Балтийского моря зерне с оккупированных территорий Украины, срочно были приняты меры по ужесточению контроля над зерном, ввозимым из России и других стран повышенного уровня риска.

«We plan to conduct a comprehensive inspection of grain imported into Lithuania from countries with a higher risk level, including an analysis of the origin of the grain. Regarding the last analysis, we are consulting with the Ministry of Environment, Food and Agriculture of the United Kingdom, as only the UK has laboratories capable of verifying the origin of the grain. The inspection will come into effect soon after the methodology requirements are approved,» the ministry told Elta agency.

The Ministry of Agriculture confirmed that on February 21, a letter was received from the Minister of Agriculture of Ukraine stating that Russia is profiting from the export of grain from the occupied territories of Ukraine to third countries.

It is reported that one of the possible ways to export the stolen grain is through the use of transport and freight companies and ports in the Baltic countries.

«We take the information received very seriously — Russia should not have the slightest opportunity to use Lithuania’s infrastructure and profit from the sale of Ukrainian grain,» the ministry’s response said.

A number of parliamentarians from various factions propose temporarily banning the import of agricultural products and feed of Russian or Belarusian origin into Lithuania.

The import ban is proposed to be introduced from April 15 of this year until July 1, 2025. Amendments to the law were supported by nearly 20 parliamentarians.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях