Мэр Друскининкай намерен запретить движение мотоциклов на курорте

Седьмой год подряд благодаря благоприятной погоде мотоциклисты выезжают на улицы городов Литвы с 1 марта. В этом году первые дни весны выдались очень теплыми, поэтому в городах можно увидеть немало мотоциклов. Правда, радует это не всех. Жители Друскининкай после первых выходных стали критиковать мотоциклистов, а мэр города заявил, что если такой шум повториться – муниципалитет будет вынужден запретить движение мотоциклов в городе.

On March 5, the mayor of Druskininkai, Richardas Malinauskas, shared an appeal to motorcyclists on social media. The politician wrote that the first spring weekends had caused anger among many residents due to the noisy motorcycle rides.

«Dear motorcycle community, the first spring weekends brought good weather — I understand that you wanted to start the season. But this weekend we received many complaints from both residents and resort guests about the noise and disregard for traffic rules. Druskininkai has never imposed strict measures and bans, and I am personally against them, as humans are thinking beings responsible for their behavior and its consequences. However, if we continue to see motorcycles speeding, deliberately making loud noise, and violating traffic rules, we will be forced to ban motorcycle rides in the city. I believe that neither you nor we want that. Therefore, I ask you to behave responsibly and consciously so that everyone can enjoy the city. Please share my appeal in motorcycle groups and closed communities so that they can assess the situation and draw conclusions,» the mayor wrote.

The president of the Lithuanian Motorcycle Club Association, Virginijus Aucinas, said it would be unfair to impose a ban on all motorcyclists if it was only a few young people causing the noise. He said a similar situation had occurred in the past when motorcycle movement was restricted, and the members of the clubs rode out to meet with the mayor and explained that club members are responsible individuals who do not deserve such limitations.

«Club members are not doing this, we are not even riding on the streets yet, it’s too early. Right now, it’s mainly the young people riding. Club members usually don’t ride in the city center in the evening, they are not interested in that. We ride outside the city,» Aucinas said.

According to him, it has become a vicious practice to associate daredevils with motorcycle clubs, as these individuals are usually not members of the clubs.

Aucinas mentioned that he has seen the anger of residents from other cities as well, for example, the residents of Kaunas complained about the noise in the city center. He insists that these are the antics of young people who want to show off, not the members of motorcycle clubs.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях