6 кандидатов в президенты Литвы уже подали заявительные документы в ГИК

According to the GIK, as of 10 o’clock on Monday, documents have already been submitted by Gedrimas Eglinskas, Andrius Mazuronis, Eduardas Vaitkus, among others.

Potential candidates in the GIK information system have submitted an application to participate in the elections, a document confirming the payment of the electoral deposit, a power of attorney for an authorized representative, a brief pre-election program, a candidate’s questionnaire, extracts from the resident’s income and property declarations for the previous year.

The following items are also included in the system: a declaration of private interests, a promise to refrain from bribing voters, consent to be a candidate nominated by a political party (if nominated by a party), a signed commitment to cease work or other activities incompatible with the duties of the president, a candidate’s photograph, biography, and a power of attorney for representing them in the GIK (in case the person is self-nominating).

The presidential elections in Lithuania will take place on May 12th of this year. Currently, 13 candidates have expressed their intention to run for the position of head of state.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях