Глава МИД после встречи с членами Бундестага: обещание разместить в Литве бригаду — историческое

During the meeting, Landsbergis thanked Germany for its reliable strategic partnership and expressed satisfaction with the progress regarding the deployment of a German brigade in , reports .

» is becoming a European stronghold for Lithuania’s strategic security. Minister Boris Pistorius’ promise to deploy a heavy brigade — is historic. These words of the minister should be engraved on the Town Hall wall,» quoted Landsbergis.

Recall that in the summer of 2022, Germany committed to deploying a military unit the size of a brigade in Lithuania — such an agreement was included in the document signed by the Chancellor and President Gitanas Nauseda.

In the summer of 2023, Pistorius stated that Berlin is ready for the brigade’s deployment in Lithuania.

Later, it was reported that the countries intend to sign a bilateral agreement on the unit’s relocation plan.

Recall that two battalions — the 122nd armored infantry battalion and the 203rd armored battalion — will be deployed in the . The brigade is expected to reach full capacity by the end of 2027.

According to the plans, the first detachment and headquarters will be stationed in Lithuania in 2024, and the majority of the brigade will be transferred here by 2026.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях