Полиция начала расследование относительно высказываний телеведущего Раманаускаса по подозрению в разжигании ненависти

A politician on Facebook has published a document received from the police, stating that law enforcement authorities have initiated a pre-trial investigation against A. Ramanauskas in accordance with Article 170(2) of the Criminal Code.

The aforementioned article states that any person who publicly ridicules, insults, incites hatred, or provokes discrimination against a group of people or a person belonging to that group based on age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, skin color, nationality, language, origin, ethnic origin, social status, religion, beliefs, or views is punishable by a fine or restriction of freedom, or arrest, or imprisonment for up to two years.

Deputy S. Yakelyunas reports that law enforcement authorities have initiated a pre-trial investigation against A. Ramanauskas in connection with some of his public statements on January 18 about the «russified cattle».

«Here are the statements of A. Ramanauskas (publicly broadcasted on January 18 of this year and continuing to be spread on the internet), which led to the start of the investigation:

«The overwhelming majority of those who claim that «it was better under the Russians» are cattle…», «According to my calculations, in Lithuania, a quarter to a third of people would be good to deport – all that russified Soviet mass of cattle», «We have a lot of such cattle, they are slowly dying off, that’s good», «Individuals with poor genetic qualities, raised in cattle families, it’s not surprising that they also become cattle,» — S. Yakelyunas points out on Facebook.

The Member of the European Parliament states that, according to the received documents, the pre-trial investigation of A. Ramanauskas’ statements was initiated by the Main Police Commissariat of Vilnius County.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях