По поводу парламентских расходов – вопросы есть и к министру социальной защиты

Explaining the apparent conflict of interest, the minister stated that she focuses on the quality of the layout services when making a purchase.

«We probably buy the services that best fit and that, it seems, can best meet expectations,» said M. Navitskene to LRT television.

Part of the parliamentary funds were allocated by a member of the Seimas for taxi services — although, as the Minister of Social Protection and Labor, M. Navitskene has official transportation. The politician notes that she does not have a personal car, so when the trips are not related to the work of the ministry, she uses taxi services.

«I really try not to abuse the ministry’s car and use it only for ministerial matters,» she said.

In the spring of last year, after the public figure A. Tapinas initiated an investigation into the use of funds by municipal politicians — Skaidrinam — a scandal erupted over possible misappropriation of office supplies by politicians, with several municipalities coming under the scrutiny of law enforcement agencies.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях