Комиссия по этике рассмотрит ходатайство депутата Матийошайтиса об оценке прозрачности его расходов, связанных с парламентской деятельностью

«On Tuesday, he himself turned to the commission, wrote a letter requesting a review of all expenses and reports on his parliamentary activities for this period, and ensuring that goods and services were properly purchased and did not violate the established procedures,» said Elta, chairman of the «agrarian» commission, Ausrine Norkene.

After it became known that member of the Saeima M. Matijoshaitis had purchased various computer equipment with funds allocated for parliamentary activities, the parliamentarian announced on Tuesday that he was suspending his membership in the Party of Freedom and withdrawing from the party’s list of candidates for the elections.

After the initiative reached the Saeima, the public activist announced on Monday that member of the Party of Freedom M. Matijoshaitis had purchased various computer equipment and audio equipment with funds allocated for parliamentary activities. In addition, according to verified reports, the deputy spent almost 500 euros per month on renting additional equipment.

M. Matijoshaitis himself stated on Monday that the equipment was purposefully used for work in the Saeima. According to the Party of Freedom member, he will refund the Saeima office for any equipment that is considered non-targeted. M. Matijoshaitis also stated that after his term in parliament expires, he will leave all the acquired equipment in the ownership of the Saeima.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях