Минобороны Литвы: будут повышены стипендии для курсантов Военной академии им. генерала Йонаса Жемайтиса

According to the Ministry of Defense, depending on the cadet’s academic performance and course of study, the scholarship amount will range from 253 to 928 euros, with a maximum scholarship of 1100 euros. This proposal is made taking into account the cadets’ service, the payment for their service and the service of other military personnel, as well as the needs of the Lithuanian army for officers.
«The cadet service in its nature and scope is equivalent to individual military training carried out in a military unit during professional military service, therefore we find it necessary to review the size of scholarships paid to cadets,» says the Minister of National Defense.

According to the minister, changing the size of the scholarship would correspond to the essence of the cadet service, the service should be properly compensated, and this would correspond to the amounts of financial allowances paid to military personnel for their service, and would also incentivize the choice of the officer profession.

Currently, cadets receive a scholarship in the amount of 3.7-6.5 times the basic social benefit (BSB) (about 203-357 euros).

The specific amount of the scholarship paid depends on the assessment of the cadet’s service and the course they are studying. Cadets who are studying at the academy in their final semester, after obtaining a bachelor’s degree, are awarded a scholarship of 20 BSB (1100 euros).

This amount is equal to 80% of the lieutenant’s salary (the first officer rank awarded to a cadet after completing the academy) received in the first year.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях