Депутат Матийошайтис приостанавливает членство в Партии свободы и снимает свою кандидатуру с выборов в Европарламент

«While the procedural actions are taking place and there is no final verdict on whether the funds I spent corresponded to the established procedure, I am suspending my membership in the Freedom Party and withdrawing from the Freedom Party’s list for the European Parliament elections. I hope that this will remain my story, and not a question of the party’s reputation,» M. Matijoshaitis writes on his Facebook page.

«I have turned to the Saeima Commission on Ethics and Procedures with a request to review the reports on parliamentary funds for my entire term and conduct a re-evaluation of the conformity of the acquired goods or services to the regulations of parliamentary funds set by the Saeima Board,» the deputy also noted.

After the initiative reached the Saeima, the public figure announced on Monday that the member of the Freedom Party M. Matijoshaitis had acquired various computer equipment and audio equipment with funds allocated for parliamentary activities. In addition, according to verified reports, the deputy spent almost 500 euros per month on renting additional equipment.

M. Matijoshaitis himself stated on Monday that the equipment was purposefully used for work in the Saeima. According to the member of the Freedom Party, he will reimburse the Saeima Chancellery for any equipment that is deemed non-targeted.

M. Matijoshaitis also stated that after his term in parliament expires, he will leave all acquired equipment in the ownership of the Saeima.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях