Главный советник президента Литвы о разыскиваемых в РФ политиках из стран Балтии: есть угроза их задержания при пересечении государственной границы

«It should be noted, as in previous years, Russia does not publicly announce the individuals it has included in the persona non grata lists. These people could potentially find themselves in a situation where they are going somewhere and are detained at the border. This is something to keep in mind,» A. Skaisgirite told journalists at the Sejm on Tuesday.

«Many Lithuanians may experience this moment on their own — for example, judges in the January 13 case, when Russia openly stated that they would be included in the list of individuals who cannot come to Russia. However, they may be wanted internationally,» she reasoned.

«The reality is such, and action must be taken accordingly,» added the presidential advisor.

However, she notes that the latest case and the message from Moscow have yet to be verified.

«This specific case still needs to be investigated so that we operate on real information, not rumors or leaks,» said the presidential advisor.

In response to the news from Moscow, the Minister of Foreign Affairs said that his ministry would verify the accuracy of the published information. However, if confirmed, the individuals on the lists should consider traveling to third countries, he noted.

ELTA reminds that on Tuesday, the Prime Minister of Estonia, K. Kallas, was declared «wanted». The Russian opposition portal «Meduza» also reported on Tuesday that Lithuania’s Minister of Culture is included in the wanted list.

«Meduza» discovered both politicians by downloading the entire publicly available search database — almost 100,000 search cards — from the website of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. The database does not specify which article K. Kallas and S. Kairys are wanted under.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях