Предложение по школам национальных меньшинств: рассматривается возможность увеличения преподавания на литовском языке

«Gradually expand the teaching and use of the Lithuanian language in schools (national minorities), strengthen the knowledge of the Lithuanian language by teachers, and provide more autonomy to municipalities,» said the Minister of Education, Science, and Sports at a press conference on Tuesday.

As indicated by the ministry, these proposals will aim at creating broader opportunities for children to learn the Lithuanian language in preschool institutions or primary schools.

Deputy Minister of Education, Science, and Sports Ramunas Skaudzius spoke about the possibility of teaching social sciences: history, geography, civic education in the Lithuanian language.

«By the decision of the school council, the mandatory language of the national community can become optional. The school can hire teachers who will teach in Lithuanian at its own discretion,» said R. Skaudzius about other possible solutions.

Teachers could improve their knowledge of the Lithuanian language on the kursuok.lt platform.

According to Minister G. Yakstas, these educational institutions need changes. According to the ministry, exam results in Russian-language schools are lower than in other schools. With Lithuanian language instruction, 93% of graduates pass at least one state exam, with Polish language instruction — 87%, and with Russian — only 83%.

What is even more important is that in those educational institutions with Russian-language instruction, only 48.7% of graduates pass three state exams for the graduation certificate, which are a mandatory requirement for higher education. In comparison, with Lithuanian language instruction, over 74% of graduates pass three exams.

«Students who graduate from Russian-language schools have fewer chances to succeed in education and in work that requires higher qualifications. By allocating large funds, we get worse results,» said G. Yakstas.

According to him, the ministry’s website will provide an email address to which all citizens can send their ideas on the best model of education in Lithuania’s national minority schools.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях