После хакерской атаки слиты данные 20 000 клиентов Ignitis ON: призывают сменить пароль

According to the company, among the leaked data are names of customers, email addresses, authentication token lists (RFID), and license plates of some electric vehicles.

«Payment-related information — bank account data, payment card data, and other highly confidential data, such as personal codes — was not stored in the system and was not leaked,» Ignitis claims, also stating that customer data from other company services are secure.

The company recommends that Ignitis ON customers change their password for accessing the application.
«We apologize to our customers for the data breach. We are making every effort to contact affected customers as soon as possible, apologize to them, and clarify all the circumstances of the situation. Although passwords were not disclosed and there was no access to them, we still ask customers to change their login password. We are currently investigating the consequences of the RFID token information leak and will inform customers if there is a need to change or replace them,» commented Eimantas Balta, the head of Ignitis Electric Mobility Department.

Ignitis also informed the National Cyber Security Center and the National Crisis Management Center about the incident.

On Sunday afternoon, it was reported that some Ignitis ON users, managed by Ignitis, were disconnected from the application and therefore could not charge their electric vehicles. According to the company, user data was not compromised, they simply could not use the charging service.

A couple of hours later, it was announced that the company’s operations have been restored.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях